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„VOLVO ADVENTURE” 2009 Project



A tavalyi nagy érdeklődés miatt idén is megrendezték Magyarországon a nemzetközi „Volvo Adventure” pályázatot, a Volvo Car Corporation és az ENSZ környezetvédelmi programjának közös szervezésében. A versenyen 2-5 fős csapatok nevezhettek, a korhatár 13-16 év volt. Pályázni olyan helyi környezetvédelmi problémával lehetett, amely közvetlen befolyással van az életünkre. Angol nyelven kellett leírni részletesen a problémát, majd javaslatokat tenni a megoldására. További feladat volt még egy akcióterv kidolgozása és megvalósítása a témához kapcsolódva.

A Karinthy Frigyes ÁMK Általános Iskolájában a projekt kidolgozására alakult csapat neve: Diving Beetles (Búvár bogarak), mely 7.b osztályos lányokból állt: Csutora Eszter, Gulyás Szabina és Török Tamara. Segítő tanáraik: Dr. Kriskáné Gánóczy Anita (Homoktövis Környezetvédelmi Oktatóközpont), Ocsenás Mária (angol-biológia-földrajz szakos tanárnő), Margaret Lochmann (angol anyanyelvű tanárnő), Naszádosné Hegedűs Erzsébet (drámapedagógus) és Dr. Kriska György az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem biológusa.

A projekt témájául a Káposztásmegyer mellett elhelyezkedő Dunakeszi-tőzegtavakat választottuk. Munkánk során feltérképeztük az utóbbi évek természetrombolásait túlélő tőzegtavak élővilágát és azokat az emberi hatásokat, amelyek veszélyeztetik a fennmaradását. A pályamunkánk címe: Protection of the marshy wildlife in Budapest.

56 országból 373 érvényes pályamunka érkezett a nemzetközi versenyre. A svédországi döntőre, amely 2009 júniusában kerül megrendezésre Göteborgban, 10 csapat juthat ki. A Magyarországról benyújtott projektek közül a szakmai zsűri 6-ot választott ki a hazai döntőre, amelyre 2009. március 12-én került sor a Volvo autógyár budapesti központjában (1044 Budapest, Váci út 50-58.). Csapatunk projektjével kivívta a döntőben való részvétel lehetőségét. A versenyzőknek 10 percben kellett angolul bemutatniuk környezetvédelmi projektjeiket, majd a 4 tagú zsűri az elvégzett munkáról kérdezte a diákokat. A 6 csapat közül kettő volt budapesti, a többiek Bajáról, Békéscsabáról, Gödöllőről és Miskolcról érkeztek.

Büszkék vagyunk rá, hogy az ENSZ nemzetközi környezetvédelmi pályázatának magyarországi döntőjén iskolánk csapata 2. helyezést ért el. Azt különösen fontosnak tartjuk, hogy általános iskolás diákjaink kiválóan megállták helyüket a gimnazistákat is felvonultató versenyben.

A döntőben tartott angol előadás itt tekinthető meg.


ENSZ-Volvo project presentation
2009. March

We are 7th grade students at the Karinthy Frigyes ÁMK Primary School. We really enjoy going to our school, because it is very interactive with many types of projects from art to environmental projects like this one is.

The members of our team are: Gulyás Szabina, Török Tamara és Csutora Eszter. Our teachers who helped us: Maria Ocsenás and Anita Gánóczy, and we are the diving beetles.

Our main goal is to protect the natural wildlife in our surroundings where 30 000 people are currently living.

Unfortunately, during the past 25 years, there has been too much urban development resulting in destruction of the original wet, marshy land.

Two small peat-ponds have survived the road and shopping centre constructions, which aren’t visible on the picture because of the dense vegetation. This is the road to the shopping centre. NW from the peat-ponds the artificial fish ponds are located. West from the ponds we can find the shopping centre. The area of the bigger ponds on the eastern side was used to mine rocks earlier. Only a few meters south from the peat-ponds a busy roundabout lies.

Signs inform visitors about the marshy wildlife and its importance. Our project analyzes the current problems and provides a solution to allow wildlife to thrive in its natural environment.

We collected macro invertebrates and examined many types of plants and animals. During our investigation we consulted with a biologist Dr György Kriska from the Eötvös Loránd University, who specialized in researching species of this area.

The lake is rich in invertebrate species. For example, the Leech is its protected animal. Many rotting tree-trunks and branches ensure stand for settling freshwater Sponges and Moss animals. Vertebrate amphibians are represented by the Smooth newt and Water frog. The reptile Grass snakes hide in the water.

The artificial fish ponds were formed by dredging the original peat-ponds. We didn’t find preserved species at the fishing ponds, as the animal life is poor due to the settled fishes.

We found Great Diving Beetle, Snake-eater Leech, Great Ramshorn, Water-Lily Reed Beetle in both ponds.

The vegetation living here is poor in species, the Giant Goldenrod, Sedge and Annual Fleabane live here.

We found high grown soft stem plant species as the Great Willowherb, and the prominent flowered Purple-loosestrife and Hemp-agrimony. Near the Osier bushes Black and White Poplars form grooves reaching 20-30m height.

The shore of the artificial fish ponds was parcelled out was built in. Due to this activity the natural plant association and the jointed animal life have disappeared.

Near the peat-ponds a busy road leads to the nearby shopping centre. We have observed the traffic at the roundabout leading to the shopping centre in different parts of days. The average 250 cars passing the roundabout every 5 minutes mean a very considerable traffic. It is a great environmental charging to the neighbouring peat ponds.

This asphalt road crosses the paths of frogs. The polluting oil from the cars and the salt used to melt frost are washed into the soil.

The buildings and parking area of the shopping centre are close to the marsh.

Hungarian researchers have recently discovered that the dark, shiny surfaces of the parking cars confuse the water insects.

Water insects that rely on polarized light to guide them to food or good nesting locales can be confused by artificial surfaces, because they have the same effects caused naturally by water.

The parking area of the shopping centre has got 2350 parking spots. The number of the dark coloured cars correlated to the whole area was 1530, which means a surface of 3060 m2. This huge surface as an ecological trap attracts the water insects.

What is the environmentally-friendly colour of cars? Light.

We displayed a demonstration from the photos and documents in the hall of our school we have made during our project work.

We put the illustrated description of our project, with our own photos on the website of the Karinthy Frigyes AMK Primary School.

We partnered with an exhibit about waste recycling, which promotes environmental awareness to our community.

We introduced the values of our surrounding rich natural wildlife with our documents, photos, presentations, articles in the local newspapers, reports in the local TV to the students, teachers of our school, to local people.

A note about our project also was published in the school newspaper, called “Kapocs“.

We presented the outlines and findings of our project with a slide/ ppt. show to the students, teachers and principal.

We informed the deputy mayor of our district about the project. She recommended that we call this project to the populace’s attention.

The head architect told us about the environmental-friendly planning in the architecture, and about the tunnels for frogs which were planned to be built, but never were realised.

Our principal suggested to us that we create campaigns to make people aware of our local environmental problems.

We interviewed with our native English speaker teachers (Miss Margaret Lochmann from USA California and Mr Godwin from Nigeria) about environmental problems in their home country and we played the recording on our school radio.

After we discussed our research with the head of the fishing society, he told us, that he agrees with us entirely and would provide us with the necessary support.

As a result we found that four main factors are responsible for the destruction of the natural wildlife in this area: First, most maintainers of the asphalt roads use sodium-chloride to melt the ice on the roads. The head architect promised to help us to take action in the switching of this chemical to magnesium-chloride. Second, as frogs cross the roads they get hit by cars. This spring we plan to implement a program which would help frogs find their safe crossing. We also called the attention of the fishing society to let narrow bands between the parcels for the natural wildlife. Last, we tried to contact the management of the shopping centre to recommend that they don’t spread toward the peat-ponds. In addition, we suggest to the local people that they buy light coloured (environmentally-friendly) cars or use public transport more often. We think our project so far has been definitely successful. We enjoyed our research at the ponds; we had a lot of meetings with helpful people who are responsible for our environment. As a result we increased awareness of the students, teachers, principal and people of our community to the kinds of environmental problems that exist.

Please, put on your 3D glasses to enjoy our slide show about the marshy wildlife.

Thank you again for your time and the opportunity to present our findings. We are very committed to making the environment better in our area of Budapest and hope to work with VOLVO to solve our environmental problem.

In the international Volvo Adventure 2009 contest on title “Young people bringing the environment to life”- national competition our team from Karinthy AMK Primary School placed second.

Our competitors were mostly secondary schools so we are very proud of our results.


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